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Walk It Out: Locations Walkthrough Identification of Hazardous Building Materials

Presenter: Mona Shum

Aura Health and Safety

Film and TV Productions often use buildings and sites that contain hazardous building materials (such as asbestos, lead, mould and other biological contaminants), putting the cast and crew at risk of unintentional exposures and injuries. Occupational health regulations require employers to identify hazards and mitigate them in the workplace, but the presence of these materials is not always obvious. Specialized training is often needed to identify the presence of hazardous materials and reduce the risk of exposure. Production delays to address unmitigated hazards or, even worse, injuries and exposures, can be dangerous and costly.

This presentation will help Productions identify building-related hazards in the planning stages - such as location scouting - so that they can address the risks early and prevent future uncontrolled exposures and delays posed by these hazards.

mona shum headshot

Session Sponsor:

Directors Guild of Canada logo
Earlier Event: February 26
Musician Rises Above Workplace Injury
Later Event: February 26
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